Thursday, 18 October 2007

Blue to Green

Building a safe and stable home for every American was the goal

and there was a concern about how the building affected our water

so in the begining was the cleanwater act.

Over a generation, builders learned to build in alignment,

and the Stormwater compliance specialist served

as the link between construction labor and law

Until construction mud ran in the streets and streams

only upon a weather Act of God or BMP or stormwater program failure

Stewardship of the land became less mystery and more ministry.

During this generation mountains grew from plains,

Until LandFill caterpillars became the highest vehicles in the land.

Sustainability became the cry of the home buyer.

and the home builders knew they needed to design

Developments new ways, homes new ways, place homes on lots in new ways,

and build in new ways.

The builders turned to the stormwater compliance specialists, because they were trusted.

And stormwater then became subset, a part of green building services the complaince specialist provided.

and every house became a sustainable house, where air, land, water and energy in construction was a consideration, and

Stewardship of the land became less mystery and more ministry

And building a safe and stable home for every American was better than ever.

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